on Tuesday, May 10, 2022

宝盈集团bbin和利维尔学院的杰出宝盈APP登录和教师成就,是一年一度的卓越庆典, May 3, 在春季学期的最后一次礼拜中.

Jamie Dew, president, 欢迎聚集在利维尔教堂的神学院家庭,并指出,虽然教堂通常侧重于鼓励所有人与基督同行, this day was different.

“今天我们的重点是庆祝和承认我们做得很好,”杜说. 对于那些获得表彰的人,露说:“我们为你们感到骄傲. We love you. 今天只是为了感谢你的辛勤工作, your accomplishments, 感谢上帝为你所做的一切, but then most importantly, 你将要做的事,神呼召我们一起去做的事.”

露指出了哥林多前书12章,以及教会在苦难和欢乐中团结一致, 并指出,庆祝他人的成就是件好事,因为“最终”, 它是神的子民为他的国度而成就的人生.”

Norris Grubbs, provost, 颁奖仪式一开始就指出,每位获奖者都履行了歌罗西书3:23的职责,“全心全意”地工作, as to the Lord.”

“我们今天表彰的每一个人都因其出色的表现而脱颖而出,” Grubbs said.

颁发了马文·琼斯优秀奖, 以长期担任路易斯安那州教育部长的名字命名, church planter, and NOBTS alumnus, 这是对教师在研究和写作方面贡献的认可, church ministry, and classroom performance. 神学和文化教授彼得·肯德里克(Peter Kendrick)获得杰出课堂教师奖. Ken Taylor, professor of urban missions, 被授予杰出教职员奖, 杰出研究教授奖颁给了亚当·哈伍德, professor of theology.

四名教员获得了Ola Farmer Lenaz Grants,以支持他们继续进行研究. Jeffrey Farmer, 教会事工及传福音副教授, 会否就健康的最佳做法进行个案研究, growing small membership churches. Lloyd Harsch, 教会历史和浸信会研究教授, 是否会研究不同教派的浸信会,为将来的美国和加拿大浸信会手册做宝盈集团bbin. Ethan Jones, 旧约和希伯来语副教授, 会把他的资助用于廷代尔学院的研究吗, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, for various writing projects. The grant will support Tyler Wittman, assistant professor of theology, 在他对一本教科书的研究中,重点关注了神的名字和头衔.

学院在学年期间出版的出版物获得了认可:“使徒保罗:他的生活插图指南”, Ministry, and Missionary Journeys,” by Alan Bandy; “Together We Lead: Integrating Church Leadership and Administration for Ministry Success,” by Adam Hughes and Jody Dean; “Romans: The Gospel of God,” by Gerald Stevens; and William Warren, with his assistants at the NOBTS H. 弥尔顿·哈格德新约文本研究中心, 完成Logos圣经软件和in Accordance Bible软件中可用的关键设备的更新, 一个需要十多年工作的项目.

Receiving the Robert S. Magee Doctoral Scholar Award, 表彰学术成就和学术潜力, were Ricky Michalski and Kendall Wolz.

三名宝盈APP登录获得了博士奖学金:杰西卡·斯托瓦尔(Jessica Stovall)、安妮塔·杰尼根(Annetta Jernigan)博士.D. Fellowship; and Zachary Miller and Andrew Wilson, the Milton and Charlotte Williams Fellowship.

优秀宝盈APP登录奖获得者在学位课程:玛丽安·斯特鲁布, Master of Divinity; Austin James McCurry, Master of Divinity in Christian Education; J.R. Walley, Master of Music in Christian Music; Quinton Ross Englebright, Master of Arts in Christian Education; Brent Vastbinder, Baccalaureate Program, and Denise Webber, Associate Program.

由出版社颁发的杰出宝盈APP登录奖包括以下获奖者:Sarah McDivitt, Zondervan Hebrew Award; Edward Toby Palmer, Zondervan Greek Award; Brandon Emfinger, Zondervan Theology Award; James S. French, Broadman & Holman Seminarian Award; and Ryan B. Graves, Lifeway Pastoral Leadership Award.

其他杰出宝盈APP登录奖获得者包括:雅各布·罗比内特, Leavell College Best Senior Thesis; Brent Vastbinder, Breazeale-Guidry Award for Excellence in Biblical Studies; Kelly McCollum, Baptist Association of Christian Educators Award in Christian Education; James S. French, C.C. Randall Award in Evangelism; Caleb Sayger, David and Sue Meacham Award for Outstanding Church Planting Student; Emily Brodt, James A. Headrick Award for Excellence in Christian Counseling; Karen Colston, Daniel H. Holcomb Christian History Award; Tina Tang Angoluan, Outstanding Student Award in Christian Thought; and Shelley Marie Villemarette, Excellence in Missional Living Award.

五名宝盈APP登录获得了杰克和胡安妮塔坎宁安奖学金圣地旅游:托马斯·谢拉米, Karen Colston, Chris Cummins, Karen Roudkovski, Seth Stanley, and Mariane Strube.

服务周年满三十五岁的职员, 30, 25, 在服役期间,15年和10年被认可.