on Monday, January 24, 2022

Defend, the annual, 在宝盈集团bbin和利维尔学院举行为期一周的护教学会议, 以顶级护教学演讲者为特色,讨论教会内外人士提出的关键问题, Jan. 3-7.

“在我们这样的文化中,基督徒迫切需要护教学, 后基督教文化正迅速变成反基督教文化,” said Robert Stewart, director of Defend and the NOBTS apologetics program.


“当我上大学的时候,最重要的问题是‘基督教是真的吗?“当我在研究生院的时候,问题是‘基督教是否相关?“这个问题反映了后基督教的观点,”斯图尔特说. “今天,最重要的问题是:‘基督教好吗?' This question reveals an increasingly anti-Christian mood. 今天的护教者必须能够捍卫福音的真实性、相关性和良善."

Plenary speakers included renowned resurrection scholar Gary Habermas; Lisa Fields, founder and director of Jude 3 Project; Michael Strauss, 俄克拉荷马大学粒子物理学家和欧洲核子研究中心实验室物理学家, Geneva, Switzerland; David Calhoun, Gonzaga University philosophy professor; Tim McGrew, author, speaker and University of Michigan philosophy professor, Craig Hazen, Biola University’s apologetics program founder and director; James Walker, president of Watchman Fellowship, a ministry to counter-Christian groups; Jamie Dew, NOBTS and Leavell College president, and others.

17场全体会议和100多场分组会议的重点是科学与信仰的相互作用, responding to objections to the faith, biblical responses to hot-topic social issues, worldview questions and engaging world religions, arguments for God’s existence and other philosophy topics, biblical responses to gender and sexuality questions, and other issues.

参加会议的人来自各行各业, 以及从加州远道而来的教会和大学团体, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

“捍卫帮助我向信徒和非信徒阐明我的信仰, especially in the public square,” said attendee Jay McCallum, 路易斯安纳州最高法院助理法官和第一浸信会成员, Farmerville, Louisiana.

麦家廉继续说:“基督教建立在信仰的基础上,有理性的支持. “My Christian faith is the most logical part of my existence. 我非常感谢路易斯安那浸信会支持这样的项目,它加强和丰富了我的信仰.”


Michael Strauss, 他在欧洲核子研究中心的大型强子对撞机上的研究正在测试基本粒子标准模型的预测, 他是在日内瓦附近的欧洲核子研究中心实验室进行实验研究的粒子物理学家, Switzerland, said scientific discoveries give evidence for God.

“我们从科学中学到的是最好的道歉,”施特劳斯说. 科学发现为上帝的可信赖性提供了福音式的辩护证据.”

Stauss, 《宝盈集团bbin》的作者,” pointed to four characteristics of the universe that give “evidence beyond a reasonable doubt” for God: the universe had a beginning; the universe is finely-tuned to within extreme, narrow parameters; the earth is rare in being well-suited for life; and the universe’s capacity to be described in mathematical language implies design by an intelligent and personal designer.

科学巩固信仰,施特劳斯说,并补充说,“护教学不仅仅是为不信的人宝盈集团bbin的. It’s for us, to strengthen our faith.”


Gary Habermas, 自由大学罗林斯神学院客座护教学教授和杰出研究教授, is the author, co-author, or editor of more than 43 books, many on the resurrection.

Today, 许多批判的学者认识到,复活是由“极其早期”的目击者报告所支持的,这些报告反映了“高度的基督论”,” the view that Christ is uniquely divine, Habermas said.

New Testament creeds, such as 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 甚至是不可知论的学者都认为是在保罗皈依之前发生的吗, 提供复活的证据,时间可以追溯到空墓的三到五年内, Habermas explained.

“There’s nothing like this in any religion, in any time,” Habermas said, emphasizing the importance of the 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 creed.

While other questions, such as genocide or the problem of evil, are important to answer, the Christian faith hinges on the resurrection, Habermas explained. “如果复活是真的,基督教就会随之而来,”哈贝马斯说.


Kyle Beshears, author of “Apatheism: How We Share When They Don’t Care,称当今文化对上帝的冷漠——冷漠——比无神论对传福音的挑战更大.

“‘冷漠’是指一个人相信上帝是无关紧要的,对他感到冷漠,” Beshears said. “一个舒适的分心社会剥夺了人们关心上帝的动力.”

贝希尔斯将无神论的根源追溯到世俗主义和多元主义,以及宝盈APP登录上帝的许多信仰选择都是平等的观念, leading to culture’s conclusion that God does not matter.

贝希尔斯建议挑战无神论者,让他们思考一下,如果物体被摧毁,生命会是什么样子, goal, 或者是无神论价值观突然消失的关系. 这个问题可以让无神论者怀疑自己的价值观,也可以为富有成效的对话打开大门, Beshears said, 他补充说,这种方式比道歉更有效. 

怀疑是一种比单纯的客观思考更强大的思考方式,” Beshears said. “怀疑促使我们去思考我们以前不关心的事情.”


Begun in 2009, the Defend conference is held each January. 会议注册人将收到所有全体会议和分组会议的录音. Information is available at defendthefaith.net.

斯图尔特说:“辩论会在辩论赛中是独一无二的. “它不仅邀请了世界级的演讲者,而且是为期五天的教学, 这意味着与会者有机会在神学院的自助餐厅和咖啡馆用餐时与演讲者互动.”