on Thursday, August 17, 2023

宝盈集团bbin的毕业典礼, August 15, opened the new academic year, honored faculty anniversaries, and this year, 包括在神学院校园中心的兰德勒姆层餐厅的剪彩和奉献.

Leavell的家庭成员出席了标志着食堂重新开放的奉献仪式,经过大规模改造,为宝盈APP登录餐饮服务增加了2700平方英尺的地板空间, an updated and expanded kitchen, and two new conference rooms.

毕业典礼在以罗兰·Q命名的利维尔教堂举行. Leavell, the 4th NOBTS president and uncle to the 7th president, Landrum P. Leavell II. The dedication and ribbon cutting followed.


Jamie Dew, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary president, 他在毕业典礼致辞中说,他对神学院家庭在新的一年里的希望是,他们保持专注于一个简单的, but urgent goal.  

“有一件事将一切联系在一起,”Dew说. “One thing that if we do this one thing, come what may, 我们的父必喜悦,我们的生活也必富足. What is that one thing? Love Him.”

Drawing from Psalm 63:1-5, 露说,诗人用饥饿和干渴的比喻来表明他“渴望”认识神.

“Have you ever been desperate for something?” Dew asked.

Dew讲述了他几年前在非洲的第一次传教之旅,尽管他已经吃饱了,但主人还是继续给他带来食物. When Dew insisted he could eat no more, 主人把盘子里的剩菜舀了出来,分给了站在门口吵嚷着要吃的孩子们, Dew related.


露要求听众思考他们是否像孩子们渴望食物一样渴望上帝. Dew警告说,攻读学位可能会成为一种“专业”追求,“使对上帝的感情变得冷淡”.”

“如果我们今年一事无成,那就简单地说:当你离开这里的时候,比我们以前更深刻、更忠心地爱耶稣。,” Dew said. “Seek God with desperation.”

其次,信徒必须绝望地寻求上帝,因为只有上帝才能满足. 露指着第3节提醒听众,神的爱“比生命更美”.

“There’s something liberating, 当我们真正认识到只有他比多活一天更令人满足时,我们的生命中就会发生一些强大的事情, 他自己比这个世界所能给我们的任何成就都更令人满足,” Dew said.

Dew concluded with “Now is the time, maybe more than ever before, 带着一种绝望的感觉去爱他,因为他知道只有他才能满足.”


Faculty members recognized for anniversaries were:

  • 30 years: Dr. Thomas Strong, professor of New Testament and Greek; Dr. Ken Taylor, professor of urban missions
  • 25 years: Dr. 罗伯特·斯图尔特,哲学和神学教授
  • 20 years: Dr. Reggie Ogea, professor of leadership and pastoral ministry; Dr. Jeff Riley, professor of ethics
  • 15 years: Dr. Jim Parker, professor of Biblical interpretation; Dr. Sandy Vandercook,英语和教育学教授
  • 10 Years: Dr. Bong Soo Choi, professor of New Testament and Greek; Dr. Adam Harwood, professor of theology; and Dr. Hal Stewart, associate professor of discipleship.




Landrum Leavell II, the seminary’s 7th president, served from 1975 until his retirement in 1994, and served an additional year as interim president. During his tenure, the seminary experienced record growth, 欢迎使远程学习成为可能的新技术, 重新建立了本科专业——现在的利维尔学院——并建立了学校的推广中心系统.

JoAnn Leavell, Landrum’s wife, 成立了NOBTS宝盈APP登录妻子计划,支持女性接受教育, ministry, and service. 这个全人计划预备妇女与她们的丈夫一同服事. Landrum and JoAnn Leavell are deceased.

Gary Shows, 他是NOBTS的理事和天普浸信会的牧师, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, 赞扬了利维尔的品格,并指出,在他27年的牧师生涯中,利维尔曾在密西西比州的四个教堂和德克萨斯州的一个教堂服务. 节目说,利维尔在密西西比州留下的遗产仍然很强大.

“As a man, he stands tall among the alumni, the leadership of this institution, and the members of the Southern Baptist Convention,” Shows said.

Clay Corvin, 长期任职的NOBTS企业管理副总裁, read a poem he had written in Leavell’s honor. 柯文形容他是一位“导师和仆人”,“爱得火热”.”

Frank Cox, 他是北Metro浸信会的前理事主席和牧师, Lawrenceville, Georgia, remembered Leavell as a man of conviction, 还有同情心,以及当考克斯的第一任妻子在他的宝盈APP登录时代去世时,利维尔的教牧关怀. 考克斯还对利维尔的鼓励表示感谢,他在困难时期曾想放弃教会,但利维尔鼓励他“坚守承诺”, Cox related. 他补充说:“43年后,我仍然在同一座教堂.”  

Jamie Dew, president, 称赞利维尔在“SBC历史上一个动荡的时刻……需要一个稳定的领导”中发挥了领导作用,并补充说,利维尔这样做“很像基督”.”

While Dew didn’t know Leavell, 他说他很欣赏里维尔,希望能和他一起坐下来喝杯咖啡,“向他讨教”.”

“It seems fitting, 像自助餐厅这样的建筑坐落在我们校园的中心似乎是对的, central to our work every single day as we eat, as we fellowship, as we make disciples, 那是他过去常坐着和宝盈APP登录们谈话的那幢楼, will be named after him,” Dew said.

Dew announced that inside the dining hall, 夹层有一个新的开放的外观和新奥尔良风格的黑色栏杆, is named in JoAnn Leavell’s honor.

利维尔的三个儿子和他们的妻子一起剪彩. Leavell III, wife Susanne, of Denton, Texas; Roland Q. Leavell II, wife Lisa, of New Hebron, Mississippi; and David, wife Vicki, of Tallahassee, Florida. 她的侄女和几个孙子孙女也出席了这次活动.